The home of employee ownership & share scheme experts

Ways to contact us and our offices

Telephone and Email

London Office: +44 (0) 20 3818 9420

Email us at

Data Collection Privacy Notice

London Office Address and Directions

Ground Floor, 9 Staple Inn, London, WC1V 7QH

Finding us from Chancery Lane Underground:

Take Exit 3 (to your right after you have gone through the ticket barriers) signed for Barnards Inn, then keep walking in the same direction after reaching the top of the steps.

Immediately on your right you will see a black and white timbered building. After a few paces there is an archway.

Go through the arch, then you will see 9 Staple Inn in the top left corner of the courtyard.

Go up the steps and press the access button to the left of the entrance door (our button is at the top right of the panel).

Our office is the first on the right on the ground floor. N.B.  We usually come and open the door rather than buzz you into the building.


Leeds Office Address and Directions

Clockwise, First Floor, Yorkshire House, Greek St, Leeds LS1 5SH

Finding us from Leeds train station:
Take Exit 2 – City Square turn left after the barriers, through the main concourse and out the door at the very end.) Head north, straight across City Square towards Park Row. Follow Park Row for a few minutes until you have Greek Street on your left – between Indian Tiffen Room and Wetherspoons.

Head down Greek Street and you will find our office in Yorkshire House on your right. We are on the first floor where the Clockwise reception staff will inform us of your arrival.