The Accountant’s Guide to EOTs

Front Cover Image - Accountants Guide to EOTsWe’ve recently put together a practical guide to Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) for accountants. EOTs now represent 1 in 20 business sales in the UK, a 37% increase over the last year. We therefore think all accountants with clients considering succession will want to know about them.

The guide provides an overview of:

  • what an EOT is and its potential benefits
  • when an EOT might be suitable
  • how the sale of a company to an EOT typically works
  • the tax reliefs (full CGT relief for sellers and income tax free bonuses for employees) and the key conditions
  • how and when an adviser can add value for a client considering an EOT (e.g. help with initial exploration, valuation, tax and other planning)
  • the lawyers’ role in implementing an EOT
  • post completion activities and other important information

To date we have helped over 130 companies transition to employee ownership through an EOT, across a range of business sectors including manufacturing, construction, architecture, marketing, law firms and a general medical practice.

As specialist employee ownership lawyers, we have broad experience of providing support to accountants and tax specialists (and other professional advisers). We can help you, or your client directly, on any particular aspects where you would find it useful to engage an expert.

If you have any questions on EOTs  please get in contact for a chat.  We also offer briefing seminars to accountants around EOTs, so if you think this might be a useful exercise for you and your colleagues, do get in touch.