Employee Share Schemes

If you ask for our help with your employee share scheme, these will often be the principal steps:

1. Listening

We’ll discuss your business with you and ask questions abou your motivations for a share scheme and the type of share scheme you might want.

2. Design

We will explain clearly the choices available to you and then recommend a carefully considered solution.  Sometimes there will be a choice.  Our recommendations will be tailored to your company’s particular needs. We’ll explain clearly and concisely how any scheme will work, any tax points and the principal legal steps you’ll need to go through.

We can also run financial models to help you decide how many shares you need to use, to achieve your objectives

3. Implementation

We will produce the legal documents and provide guidance notes to ensure you understand what they mean. We will also look after all necessary clearances – for example with HM Revenue and Customs.

4. Communication

To succeed, you will need to communicate and carefully explain what you are proposing to do to your employees. They’ll need to be kept informed about your company’s performance.

We can help with this.  We produce crystal clear employee share scheme communications – written guides, slide shows, intranet pages and other media – using communication styles suitable for your particular employees and their roles.

5. Aftercare

We can help you address any questions or issues arising during the life of your share scheme, and, if you require, can arrange for assistance with your share scheme administration, or for this to be outsourced.

Robert Postlethwaite

Contact us now for a free consultation

Please contact us to arrange a free initial consultation to discuss the options available to you:

+44 (0)20 3818 9420